Managing Digital Projects
A self-led and interactive course that teaches you how to contribute to successful digital products and services.
Watch the video below to learn more.
Introduction to Code for Australia's Managing Digital Projects course
Your Project and Assessments
How to get support
Welcome to Module One: Introducing Scoping and Research
What? Who? Where? When? How?
Monitoring and Evaluation
Module One Assessment
Welcome to Module Two: Human-centred Design
The What and Why of HCD
The 5 Modes of HCD
Module Two Assessment
Welcome to Module Three: Engaging Stakeholders
Working with Internal Stakeholders
Working with External Stakeholders
Other People in Your Sector
Module Three Assessment
Welcome to Module Four: Planning for Delivery
WTF is Agile?
Discovery Phase
Alpha and Beta Phases
Live Phase
Estimating Time
Estimating Resources
Module Four Assessment
Welcome to Module Five: Agile Delivery
Agile Rituals
Product Backlog
Development Practices
Module Five Assessment